I have been a perfume fan pretty much since I was about 5.
I would run up to my mum when she’d get home from work, i’d hug her and her woollen coat would smell of her striking signature scent, which gave me a warm fuzzy feeling….since, i’ve been hooked on creating my own perfume collection too.
Naturally I was intrigued when offered the chance to try out this perfume from DKNY (launched only yesterday the 20th), whats it all about you ask?
The idea behind the perfume is that they have encaptured and bottled the pure energy of New York City (One of my favourite cities in the world – I miss it!)
I was told about the perfume’s online digital hub and wanted to try my hand at it too, basically you connect via Facebook (it dosent interrupt your feed though) and you can make your own MYNY heart from pictures of the city itself – you can pull your own pictures from NY if you have any, into your creation.
At first they ask about 5 fun questions just about what you like to do there & the best time of the year in NY etc and your heart is customised for you.
If you like you can log on at myny.dkny.com and make sure to use the hashtag #MYNY!
*Breathes* Woah that was a lot of info! Good luck to anyone that enters!
I know this post was quite long – I wanted to share the comp with anyone who might be interested but if not, no worries and my review as always is genuine as I am quite the perfume enthusiast!
MYNY one is different, not one of my all time favourites but it has its own place in my collection because it is unique (visually too!)
Hope you’re all well – Malta photo diary to follow! 😉
Sammi x
*Thank you to DKNY for kindly sponsoring this blog post