
Deco Deluxe calling!

(Bottom looks a little messy because the glue was still drying!)
Hey dolls!
As some of you may have seen in my favourites video, I Deco deluxed my phone!
The kit is from Les tai tai and along with the sweetie pieces (or whatever design you choose) you will need the deco paper (if you don’t have an iphone as they then have a clear case), the fashion parts glue and then a tool to use to mix the glue and place the pieces.
– First I placed the deco paper ( thin plastic sheets) on the surface of my phone so theres no glueing to the actual phone which is great.

– Then You mix the glue using equal amounts, be sure not to use too much as it hardens in 5 minutes and you only need a little bit as a time.

– Then you place the glue on the piece and stick it where you want it!
Its a really easy process and its fun to create your own design =] The only thing is it does take some time but if you have patience then you will be fine!
Be sure to decorate your surface in a well ventilated area because the glue smell is quite strong!
I love mine and i’ll probably be adding to it as some point, the glue holds the pieces on really well!
I wasn’t asked to blog on this or anything I just really wanted to show you all as its a fun and unique idea! (You can also use them on any surface really, ipods, cameras, laptops etc)
If you like you can purchase the Deco Deluxe kits here
Hope this has been interesting!
Samantha xxx